Third eye open, morning, noon, and night, me, myself, and the voices within, the father, the son, the holy ghost. Love, lights, laughter, joy and pain, dances in the rain, rules of the day, winners, losers, learners, dimes to drop. Running back to my fathers house, castle in the sky, birds and bees, songs in the dogwood trees. Every thing comes in threes, morning, noon, and night, breakfast, lunch and dinner, third eye open. Third Eye Open Wide.
Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, Walks On Water. Kids, Goats, Lessons Daily, Strangers To Friends, Friends To Family, Nuts To Grow, Circles Of Lights, Love, Lust, Leaders. Rites To Stand 2.Journals is what I call it, lots of pen names, crazy for a fee, military excuses to use, cash for the time served, Marines and the battle scars.

Third Eye Partner,Journals is what I call it, lots of pen names, crazy for a fee, military excuses to use, cash for the time served, Marines and the battle scars.Dances with tigers, dances with lions, chicks and babes, dream life for more.Trips to hell and back, cash for the cows, cash for the cards of credit, friends of the moment, friends for the good times, lots of hard knocks, lots of fun and games, dances with dogs, dances with wolves and snakes in the grass.

Third Eye Partner,Journals is what I call it, lots of pen names, crazy for a fee, military excuses to use, cash for the time served, Marines and the battle scars.Dances with tigers, dances with lions, chicks and babes, dream life for more.Trips to hell and back, cash for the cows, cash for the cards of credit, friends of the moment, friends for the good times, lots of hard knocks, lots of fun and games, dances with dogs, dances with wolves and snakes in the grass.

Dogface butterflies, birds and bees, black and yellow, good fellows. Under the surface, faces to turn, hits and misses, lessons to learn, to fail, first attempt to learn something new. Just to let you know, Max, Max-more, Maxwell, names in common, layers of lights.Every thing comes in threes, morning, noon, and night, breakfast, lunch and dinner, third eye open. Third Eye Open Wide.
Simple, slow, silly, stupid, common, cows, cattle runs, peas in pods, frogs in groups, army of frogs, good time toads, silent knights, alone again, searching for a needle in a haystack, pebbles on the sands of time. Wishes on stars, studs, sinners, saints, snakes in the grass, faces under the layers of bullshit, dung, and fecal matters. Walks in the parks, walks alone, on the sands of time, birds and bees, songs in the trees, messages from the dead. In your head, in your mind, lives to live, in the gardens of the dead. Family affairs, here and gone, spooks and ghosts, windows into heaven.
Journals is what I call it, lots of pen names, crazy for a fee, military excuses to use, cash for the time served, Marines and the battle scars. Cause and effect, the way to go, why things are the way they are, stories to tell, fairy tales, Mother Goose, and the bible. Cons and pros, song and dances, how to make a buck, leaders of sheep and goats, love and hate, horns of goat, views, voices, values, good time toads. Tales and Treats: Third Eye Partner. Honey bees and wasps, black and yellow, good fellows, dances in the air. Freaks in the nights, frogs in groups, peas in pods, family matters, nuts to stand alone
Jesus Christ, Micky Mouse, Jim Jones, A. A. Allen, cons and pros, wine and bread, for the masses. Sheep to herds, leaders of men and mice, horse and pony show, dances in the wind, sleep or dead, views of the monkey types, donkeys in the hills. Under the surface, in the mud, in the sky, views of the dances of crooks, cheaters, liars. Land whales, faces of cows, cattle runs, rats to roaches, walks of fame.
Earth angel in my mind, fairy or pixies some of the time, born in the year of the rat, back in the dazes of baby boomers. Cali chick of sixties, getting out of the fives, going to sixs now. 6 feet tall, 6 decades old, not sure of the last six. Third Eye Partner .
Butterflies, Pixies, Tales and Treats: Honey bees and wasps, black and yellow, good fellows, dances in the air. Freaks in the nights, frogs in groups, peas in pods, family matters, nuts to stand alone. Dazes Dark Alove Ground....... Seven Snakes-RevelAtory, Steve Jarrot: Bisexual Jewish ........... Fairy Tales:Snakes and Vipers, Prince Frogs Tips.............
Dreams and nightmares, dicks and dawgs, faces in the shadows, dicks in lines, gang bangs daily, sex for drugs, how to make friends to last. Games to play, clowns to the left, jokers, poker players, dicks and dawgs to the right, stuck in the middle, simple, slow, silly, and stupid.Tales and Treats: Honey bees and wasps, black and yellow, good fellows, dances in the air. Freaks in the nights, frogs in groups, peas in pods, family matters, nuts to stand aloneTales and Treats: Third Eye Partner. Honey bees and wasps, black and yellow, good fellows, dances in the air. Freaks in the nights, frogs in groups, peas in pods, family matters, nuts to stand alone
Coins, cards, cons, clowns, cattle drives, faces in the herds, snakes in the grass, spiders and worms, good time toads. Steven Jay Jarrot-760 851 2267- for tales of 300 guys he fucked and sucked in a month, records to break, dicks in lines, gang bang pimp, have you a word to say. Crazy, common, cows, cattle runs, dicks, dawgs, donkeys in the hills, strangers in the nights. History to note, not news today. Tales and Treats: Third Eye Partner. Honey bees and wasps, black and yellow, good fellows, dances in the air. Freaks in the nights, frogs in groups, peas in pods, family matters, nuts to stand alone.
Faces Of Freedom: ๐ฎ๐จ. ⚖️๐☯️✨✨✨✨๐ซ.Seeking A Spark of Intelligence, Stability and Humor ....The Great American Eclipse ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐Steven Jay Jarrot, RV camper for life, nuts on the down low, faces in the mirror, shots in the dark. Wishes on stars, sluts, slugs, studs, snakes in the grass, spiders and worms, mud shots. Daddy does not have a house. Which one more important a house, or an RV and nowhere to park it, for next move? Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, Walks On Water. Kids, Goats, Lessons Daily, Strangers To Friends, Friends To Family, Nuts To Grow, Circles Of Lights, Love, Lust, Leaders. Rites To Stand 2.Journals is what I call it, lots of pen names, crazy for a fee, military excuses to use, cash for the time served, Marines and the battle scars.
Remember the pass, remember the bumps in the road, recaps, reviews, heads up, dances in the streets. ... Jewish Army 2018.Tales and Treats: Honey bees and wasps, black and yellow, good fellows, dances in the air. Freaks in the nights, frogs in groups, peas in pods, family matters, nuts to stand alone
FIRST OFF ALL THIS IS COMING FROM A angel here on earth, or a fairy or just a pixie, for a short period was the love of my life, and the one I wanted to stay with me forever, but that did not happen. Instead, I stole her car, and stole her $12,000 that she got on March 19, 2013, so I could buy Rachel a new car for collage, also bought three scooters, and four more cars with cash Lisa Delight, received for handicaps, and disabilily from time served in the Marines for six years.Tales and Treats: Third Eye Partner. Honey bees and wasps, black and yellow, good fellows, dances in the air. Freaks in the nights, frogs in groups, peas in pods, family matters, nuts to stand alone
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